• Chinese characters

    characters created for the fixing of the Chinese language, which also attained great significance in the Korean and Japanese languages
  • chinoiserie

    motifs, patterns and designs for interior design and porcelain, etc., developed following Chinese examples
  • chivalric romance

    a style of prose and verse narrative popular among members of the medieval court
  • chrestomathy

    collection of predominantly literary works for educational use
  • chromo paper

    paper, usually of wood pulp, painted on one side, of particular relevance for lithographic printing
  • chromolithography

    also known as colour lithography; procedure for reproducing original graphics or reproductions in colour, using one stone for each colour
  • chronicle

    an account of history listing historical events in chronological order
  • chronogram

    characters embedded in a motto or inscription that simultaneously form Roman numerals thus also indicating the year
  • chronology

    the science of time, dating the years and calendar systems
  • chrysography

    medieval handwriting whose letters and painted objects are partially or completely made with gold tincture