comic (comic strip)
picture story consisting of individual pictures compiled together
interaction with others through information exchange
communications infrastructure
a component of the broader term “information structure” (telephone, data and radio networks, etc.)
compact disc (CD)
optical storage medium with different formats for audio and data storage
compact disc-read only memory (CD-ROM)
optical storage medium with special storage format for data
compact disc-recordable (CD-R)
optical storage medium that may be written on once (in stages if need be)
compact disc-rewriteable (CD-RW)
optical storage medium that may be written on repeatedly after a delete procedure (in stages if need be)
a short reference guide or text book that provides a brief summary of a particular subject
an often superficial and indiscriminate roundup of musical or literary works
composing stick
a device with adjustable width used by the typesetter for assembling the types of an individual line in the correct sequence