• composite manuscript

    a number of manuscripts compiled in one volume
  • computer mouse

    standard input device for computers with graphical user interfaces
  • computer to film

    computer-aided film mounting at the pre-press stage
  • computer to plate

    computer-aided direct (without film) exposure of the plate in the platesetter
  • computer to press

    computer-aided direct (without film) exposure of the plate in the printing press
  • computer typesetting

    computer-aided typesetting assisted by appropriate software (desktop publishing)
  • computus

    medieval computation of the calendar and the date of Easter
  • concordance

    a primarily alphabetically sorted word and terminology index of a work with page references
  • confiscation

    seizure or disappropriation of goods or property e.g. by the state
  • Constructivism

    Abstract art based on geometric and technical design principles, mostly with large colour surfaces and basic geometric forms