• contemplation

    thoughtful or long consideration e.g. of the aesthetics of an art work
  • contemporary history

    a period from which eye witnesses are still alive, as well as the academic study of this period
  • content producer

    author of media content such as writers or editors
  • content provider

    publisher of media content
  • Continental System

    an economic blockade imposed by Napoleon against Great Britain between 1806 and 1814
  • continuous text

    in typesetting, text running without breaks such as paragraphs or sub-headings, etc.
  • convent

    a community of nuns, or the building used by that community
  • copper-etching title page

    engravings on copper plates decorating the title page of a book
  • copperplate engraving (chalcography)

    a graphic printing process which involves engraving an image in a copper plate using an etching needle
  • copy

    a duplicate that is faithful to the original; a transcript; generally: the result of reproducing an original