court library
the library of a royal residence
the outer casing enclosing the book body, consisting of a jacket and spine
cover (binding)
originally book covers and bindings, currently primarily media design regarding advertising and promotional effectiveness
cover decoration
adornment of the book cover by embossing, printing or goldwork, etc.
cover indenter
stamp used by bookbinders for the decoration of the cover
cover research
branch of book and library studies dealing with the recording, description and classification of book covers
cover types
these can be differentiated according to production methods (hand-bound, industrial binding), type of material and specific form of construction
critical apparatus
scholarly commentary on a work in the form of footnotes, addenda or a supplementary volume
cross media publishing
on the basis of media-neutral data, both physical and digital media are produced and published in different formats
a science devoted to the deciphering of encrypted information