• data storage

    technologies and processes that provide for the depositing, long-term saving and delivery of data
  • dating

    time indication on a document by naming the day month and year, or the attempt to arrange undated documents chronologically
  • De Stijl movement

    a forum of Dutch artists that was founded in 1917, whose functional art was based on geometric forms and colour clarity (red, blue, yellow)
  • decalcomania

    transfer of pre-prepared imagery onto porcelain, stoneware, glass and other industrial products using transfer lithography
  • dedication

    addressing or inscribing of a work to a person on a special dedication page, which is part of a publication’s front matter
  • deed

    the permanent legal record of a specific action such as a marriage or the acquisition of land
  • deluxe edition

    a better produced and more expensive special edition of a work specifically aimed at collectors
  • demagogue

    a person who is able to move people through their oratory power; originally a positive designation, now used exclusively pejoratively
  • depths

    in printing terminology, the darkest parts of an image template
  • devotionals

    devotional literature such as the lives of the saints, the book of hours, manuals of devotion, etc.