• andachtsbilder

    images of Christ, the Virgin Mary or saints, for private devotional use
  • annals

    medieval form of history writing employing strict chronological sequencing and concisely formulated facts
  • anonym

    a work that appears without naming their author
  • anonymous

    withholding the name or identity of the person responsible
  • anonymous lexicon

    reference book that identifies authors who are unnamed in their writings, or who have published work under a pen-name
  • anthology

    thematically related compilation of texts by various authors (florilegium)
  • anti-Semitism

    rejection of and struggle against the Jews on religious, nationalist and racist grounds
  • Antiqua

    group of Latin letters with round, and so not broken, letterforms
  • antiquarian bookshop

    bookshop with books that are not subject to fixed price regulations, plus newspapers, sheet music and hand-written documents  etc.
  • aphorism

    maxim or adage, often also metaphorical