• embossing

    method of printing under pressure, where characters, structures or patterns are impressed in a surface
  • embossing press

    machine or equipment used for embossing
  • emigration

    voluntary or forced migration away from one’s home country due to social, religious, political or racist motives and forces
  • emphasis

    in typesetting the highlighting of portions of text, e.g. with special type styles (bold, italics, etc.)
  • Empire style

    style epoch of the first three decades of the 19th century, the last phase of Neoclassicism
  • Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)

    prepared file ready for publishing with contents that may be transferred into a publication but cannot be revised any further
  • encoding

    the swapping of the letters of a message with a secret script or other procedures to render it inaccessible to general readers
  • encoding machine

    a machine, mostly of electromechanical construction, for the purposes of secret communications
  • encyclical

    circular letter of the church
  • encyclopaedia

    reference work for a wide readership, mostly offering concise entries in alphabetical order