designation for the staff of the Encyclopédie published by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d’Alembert between 1751 and 1772
an annotation, comparable to footnotes, standing at the end of a chapter or the whole work
papers which can be used as attachments in a book and have either a neutral character or are specially designed
the process of cutting ornamental designs or lettering into metal, stone or glass using a solid engraving tool
a collective term for a range of different artistic and illustrative printmaking techniques
Enlightenment, the
intellectual movement, based strongly on reason, late 17th and the 18th century
entry word
a word that is taken from the title of a work and employed in accordance with a set of rules so as to catalogue a bibliographic entry
small printed objects that have a short lifespan intended for a specific moment, but which are often coveted by collectors specialised in them
the (sometimes weak) followers of significant or famous predecessors
writing or inscription placed on buildings, graves monuments, also the corresponding short literary form