faked masthead
feigned, false or invented publication details for the concealment of a pirated edition, or for reasons of censorship
false place of printing
faked, false or invented print locations are in part a fashion that comes and goes, in part intended against censorship
family tree
genealogical compilation of a person’s descendants in the form of a tree, with branches, that grows upwards
fanfare style
France style of book covers with geometrically applied gilding, from the 16th and 17th centuries
fig-leaf edition
expurgated edition of a work from which religiously, politically or morally objectionable passages have been removed, also known as Bowdlerisation
artistic or explanatory illustration in print or digital media
figure scale
the proportion of the figure in relation to the original
file transfer protocol (FTP)
a special network protocol permitting the transfer of data
written documents of courts and public authorities, classified temporally and by content
fillers include clay, calcium carbonate and barium sulphate and are used to give paper better qualities