photographic or cinematographic recording material, or the media form of images running together in sequence, forming a moving image
film lamination
finishing refinement of a piece of print matter through coating with glossy or matt plastic film, sometimes also embossed
finding aid
a document containing detailed information about a specific collection of papers or records within an archive
flatbed scanner
device for the digitalisation of images using an illumination and scanning unit
flesh side
the side of the skin on parchment which would have faced the body lying beneath it on the living animal
a type of relief printing process in which flexible printing plates are used in rotary printing
flush left (or right)
form of typesetting where lines of unequal length are aligned on one side (usually the left) in a straight line
one or two-sided printed sheet with news or advertising that are distributed or placed on display to be picked up
together with the pastedown, forms the endpapers of a book
a sheet of paper that links the front and rear cover with the book block