- auxiliary discipline that deals with individual persons, their ancestry and familial associations
German Rules for Alphabetic Cataloguing (RAK)
rules for libraries for the formal cataloguing of mediaGerman Rules for the Subject Catalogue (RSWK)
rules for libraries for card catalogues indexed according to subject headingsghost writer
a behind-the-scenes author who is commissioned by a third party to compose literary worksgigabyte
unit of measurement in the field of digital technology equal to one billion bytesgilding
the covering of metallic and non-metallic objects with gold leafgilt edge
the head edge or several edges of the book body covered with gold leaf for the purposes of decoration and protectiongirdle book
late medieval form of bound book that eased the carrying on one’s own person of predominantly religious writingsglass gravure screen
the raster screen in a process camera that serves to split half-tone images into printable dotsglossary
a list containing explanations of terminology as relates to a particular subject field