This copperplate engraving from 1698 shows the packing and sorting of books in the storage room of a bookshop. The proprietor, who is wearing a wig of curly hair, is comparing the books with the delivery documentation he is holding in his hands. Two staff are helping him. One is emptying a book tub containing both bound and loose-leaf publications. A pile of stacked books is visible in the background (to the left), along with a local shop with a series shelves where a man is pictured reading an opened book. Also visible in the background (to the right) is a book press which reaches the ceiling. The fixed pile of books reaches head height. The text above the image, which is written in Fraktur typeface, reads: “Der Buchhändler. Sucht ihr der Weisheit Schatz: gebt guten Bücher Platz.“ (English: The bookseller. If you are searching for the treasure of wisdom: give space to good books.)