
Book cover: Eine Weltreise
Front cover ofHans Meyers book Eine Weltreise (A Round-the-World Trip), published in Leipzig in 1885. Leipzig publisher and co-owner of the bibliographic institute, Hans Meyer (1858-1929), was a travel explorer and, as a convicted supporter of German colonial policy, was also a professor for colonial geography at Leipzig University.
Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Leipzig, Photograph: Michael Setzpfandt


The A-Z of industrialisation

Not until driving automobiles stops being merely a sport will it become the art of travelling it is destined to be. (…) The real nature of this great new phenomenon, which ranks as an important cultural factor, does not lie in sport. That is of purely experimental value. The future of the automobile lies in exploiting the opportunities it provides for the general good, in translating it to practical life.

Otto Julius Bierbaum, Eine empfindsame Reise im Automobil, 1903

Travelling is when one or more people move from one place to another with a certain destination in mind. It can be done on foot or using methods of transport that operate at regular intervals as part of a public system (Networks) and according to a timetable (Chronometer), or using individually organised forms of transport. Travelling can be for educational (Education) or scientific (Science) purposes or might promote business (Businesses) and trade. Travelling somewhere without returning is called emigrating.

As a result of industrialisation, an increasing demand for tourism developed from the beginning of the 19th century onwards, initially in England, then in the rest of continental Europe. Encouraged by new infrastructures (hotels, methods of transport such as steamship and railway) and by the gradual emergence of a wealthy middle class, spa and bathing resorts flourished and the Alps became a tourist destination. Symbolic of this new culture and economy of travel were the travel guides by Karl Baedeker which first appeared in 1835.