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German Museum of Books and Writing "Signs - Books - Networks"
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Stele with inscription and protective deity to ward off evil spirits, undated copy of a photograph: Punctum, Bertram Kober
Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Leipzig
1.600 BCE
Chinese writing
is demonstrably used for the first time.
1500 v. Chr.
invention of sheepskin, goatskin parchment in Mesopotamia (Iraq)
1424 v. Chr.
The Chinese used carved woodblock stamps for personal signatures.
Roman gravestone for Quintus Sulpicius Maximus with Greek and Latin text, 94-100 AD, replica, photograph: Punctum, Bertram Kober
Gipsabguss-Sammlung des Antikenmuseums der Universität Leipzig
circa 1200 BCE.
The Phoenician consonant-based
1184 v. Chr.
First chain of signal fires over a distance of 800km according to a report by Homer
Stone copy of the first Wu-Chu stone drum, pre-1914
Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Leipzig
c. 800 BCE
The oldest recorded Chinese
stone inscriptions
are produced.
Portrait of Walther von der Vogelweide, the minstrel singer, from the Manesse Codex medieval songbook, circa 1300
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg / Wikimedia Commons
8th century BCE
The Iliad, the epic poem about the Trojan War, originally performed in song
is composed.
King Assurbanipal on a lion hunt, relief from the palace of Assurbanipal II in Nineveh, photograph from 1900/1940
Foto Marburg, Aufnahme-Nr. 1.000.007
c. 650 B.C.
The library of
King Assurbanipal
is compiled in Nineveh.
Book composed of bound bamboo rods featuring a handwritten weapons directory from North China (Han dynasty) around 93 AD (reproduction)
Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Leipzig
6th century BCE
In China an early form of the book emerges with the first
bamboo books
Wax tablet, circa 1360
Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Leipzig
5th century BCE
The Greek historian Herodot references the use of
wax tablets
as a written medium.