a state register of real estate ownership in a country, used as a basis for taxation
cadet corps
a military school for young boys
an overview of the days, weeks and months of the year as well as annual festivals and holidays
calendar reform (Roman)
the transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar in 1582 which involved skipping 10 days of the year and a revised leap-year system
a machine with a roller-system that improves the appearance of paper by means of smoothing, compressing and coating it
the smoothing of the sheet paper surface using pressure rollers
calf binding
durable book cover with deep folds
a cotton textile that has been used for the purposes of book binding since in the 19th century
an ornate, handscript-based art form utilising a feather or brush
term coined by the Lutherans for the teachings of the Swiss reformer Johannes Calvin and the Reformed Church
camera obscura
optical experimental set-up enabling the projection of an upside-down image by means of a hole or lens
a German form of mercantilist economic policy with strong support for agriculture and demographic growth
a period of training and education that was a requirement in the 18th and 19th centuries for employment in German public administration with a focus on financial administration and public policy science
camouflage publication
political writings issued with innocuous and misleading titles and covers in order to avoid the attentions of a state censor
Cancellaria Apostolica
The Papal Chancellery
a member of a cathedral chapter or collegiate church that contributes to a common liturgy
monumental typescript using Latin uppercase lettering
as the term majuscule (letter case), a name for the capital letters of an alphabet
card index
title records or units of information recorded on individual cards and stored in a defined sorting order in catalogue cupboards
a flat substance made of plant fibres, with one or more layers and a mass per unit area of 600 g/m² and over
a comically exaggerated portrayal of one or more persons or a set of social circumstances
Carlsbad Decrees
measures passed in 1819 in the wake of the murder of the author August von Kotzebue which sought to censor the press and clamp down on freedoms of expression
Carolingian minuscule
a handwritten script developed around 800 AD during the Carolingian Renaissance, combining uppercase letters (majuscules) with lowercase letters (miniscules)
Carolingian Renaissance
cultural renaissance (education, architecture, bookmaking) in the early-Middle Ages during the era of the Frankish ruling dynasty of the Carolingians
Latin term for papyrus sheet, later became “charter” referring to documents of all kinds
a container made from a single or multiple layers of paper derived from groundwood pulp, chemical pulp or recycled paper with an area density of between 150 and 600 g/m²
a decorative scrolling frame used in the baroque period in architecture, graphical art and book art
case in
procedure in bookbinding by hand in which the book body is attached to the cover by means of a sheath
a register that serves as a general collection, a systematic inventory document or a form of accompanying documentation for an exhibition, range of products, etc.
Cataloguing in Publication (CIP)
advance notification service fur as yet unpublished publications, existing in Germany in the period from 1971 to 2002
the first word (or sometimes just a syllable) of the following page of a book appended at the foot of every page used to maintain the order and consistency of a work
Latin dictionary including a grammar of the Dominican John Balbi of Genoa
cave paintings
stone paintings located in caves or under rock peaks, often from the early-Palaeolithic era
person who is charged by a church or governmental authority with controlling publications
political process controlling movement of information, either public or private, and suppressing it if necessary
censorship mark
in Germany, a label on publications released for dissemination by military censors during the First World War
censorship stamp
stamp on postal items that have been inspected by a state or military authority
index of all examples of a work, an author, a printer or a publisher that can be found in one library or collection
central catalogue
a catalogue that documents the collections of several libraries, in particular for interlibrary loans
chained book (liber catenatus)
a book secured in a library by means of an iron chain attached to a bookrest so as to prevent unauthorised removal or theft
chalcographic title page
an illustrated copper title page created using chalcography
the head or director of a chancery or (high-level) authority
individual element of a writing system
character spacing
spacing between individual characters
character system
the overall context to which an individual character belongs (e.g. alphabet or Morse code)
character width
is constant in all non-proportional fonts; variable in proportional fonts
characteristica universalis
universal language, searched for by G. W. Leibniz, with which all things and there interrelationships could be depicted with signs
charge coupled device (CCD)
component of scanners and digital cameras that can convert light into electrical current or digital signals
set prices or fees, sometimes of an official, governmental nature
derived from the Latin “carta” (paper, or “charter”) the term denotes an old book whose cover was made of sheets of parchment
an archival source containing transcripts of certificates/deeds
chest for keeping valuable documents and other items in, e.g. those kept by a guild
technique, from the Italian for light-dark, used in the graphic arts and painting aimed at increasing the three-dimensionality and expression
children’s book
literature that seeks to appeal to children through the use of illustrations and other appropriate elements
Chinese characters
characters created for the fixing of the Chinese language, which also attained great significance in the Korean and Japanese languages
motifs, patterns and designs for interior design and porcelain, etc., developed following Chinese examples
chivalric romance
a style of prose and verse narrative popular among members of the medieval court
collection of predominantly literary works for educational use
chromo paper
paper, usually of wood pulp, painted on one side, of particular relevance for lithographic printing
also known as colour lithography; procedure for reproducing original graphics or reproductions in colour, using one stone for each colour
an account of history listing historical events in chronological order
characters embedded in a motto or inscription that simultaneously form Roman numerals thus also indicating the year
the science of time, dating the years and calendar systems
medieval handwriting whose letters and painted objects are partially or completely made with gold tincture
Church Fathers
authors of the 8th century who made a considerable contribution to the teachings and identity of Christianity
in typographic measuring systems, the scale for a type size of 12 points
rare and valuable ancient manuscripts and prints that are very important in the collection or library
encoded characters in a secret text
a person belonging to a society who is not a member of its military
a way of life developed and ordered according to bourgeois perceptions
a legally, socially and largely culturally enclosed group linked through commonalities relating to ancestry, profession, property or education
an era of art history lasting from approximately 1770 to 1840
classified catalogue
a library subject catalogue with documents systematically grouped together according to their subject relevance
clay tablet
clay writing slab primarily used to display cuneiform script that was stamped into the surface
book traders used to clear their payments at the book fairs in Frankfurt and Leipzig, then The Traders' Payment Clearing Company arose
the collective body of ordained members within a holy order
computer program that calls up services from another computer program via a server
client-server system
network architecture for digital systems connecting several workstations to centrally provided services
CMYK colour space
standardized colour space defined by the four print colours of cyan, magenta, yellow and black (key colour)
coat of arms
a shield-shaped, coloured and well-defined badge of a person, house, institution or community
coated paper
through the application of a compound comprising pigment and binding agent, paper is given a sealed surface suitable for printmaking
application of an adhesive layer (glossy or non-glossy) to one or both sides of a page used in making image printing or art print paper
agreed system for how to convert individual orders and messages for a corresponding target system
code civil (Code Napoléon)
French civil law that was brought into force in 1804 and gained influence in the states of the Confederation of the Rhine
originally a term for a book form consisting of stitched folio sheets
Codex Argenteus (Silver Book)
famous Gothic manuscript in the Uppsala University Library, the Bishop Wulfila’s translation of the gospels
Codex Aureus (Gold Book)
illuminated Gospel books from Echternach and Regensburg, today located in Nuremburg and Munich
codex book form
particular book form, as opposed to scrolls and folded books
an auxiliary branch of historical study that deals with the handwriting of the ancient world and the Middle Ages
coffee-table book
book made to make an impression on a coffee table, often highly priced
flat and circular metal disc, usually cast and struck used as a method of payment
collected edition
a work compiled by an editor and released by a publishing house that collects the opinion of several authors on one topic
term used by many publishers for a series of published works
collector's edition
special edition for collectors and bibliophiles
an organisation of students
photomechanical method for the planographic printing of halftones without a grid
settlement which can also be a foreign, dependent territory of a state
a text at the end of a book that provides details on the time, place and publisher in addition to other information of relevance to the publication
colophon (printer's mark)
registered trademark from the older printer characters
colour depth
unit of measurement for the volume of colour nuances that a digital output device can depict
colour lithography
process also known as chromolithography which renders original graphics or reproductions by printing each base colour on a different stone
colour management system
computer program predominantly used at the printing stage to balance the colour spaces of input and output devices
colour model
classification system for the description of colours, e.g. the RGB colour space for monitors or the CMYK colour space used in colour printing
colour printing
printing with multiple colours that are either laid down next to each other of printed on top of each other with the aim of producing an optical mixing effect
colour separation
computer-aided separating out of the proportions of the base colours in colour printing
colour separation
in colour printing, the proportions of the base colours cyan, magenta, yellow and yellow or a chromatic colour
colour separation
in colour printing, the proportions of the base colours cyan, magenta, yellow and yellow or a chromatic colour
coloured edges
the trimmed upper edge, or more edges, of the book body are decorated with the application of colour
coloured paper
paper that is subsequently refined mechanically or manually by tinting, painting or other techniques and serves as material for book covers
coloured woodblock
multi-coloured woodblock, printed either from multiple plates or differently inked parts of a single plate
colportage (book peddling)
the distribution of books via door-to-door sales by carriers or “colporteurs”
colportage book trade (book peddling)
the sale of literature by travelling salespeople
colporteur (book peddler)
a person selling books door-to-door
column title
a title in the heading line of every page of a book that quickly reminds the reader about the theme or content of the work at hand
comic (comic strip)
picture story consisting of individual pictures compiled together
interaction with others through information exchange
communications infrastructure
a component of the broader term “information structure” (telephone, data and radio networks, etc.)
compact disc (CD)
optical storage medium with different formats for audio and data storage
compact disc-read only memory (CD-ROM)
optical storage medium with special storage format for data
compact disc-recordable (CD-R)
optical storage medium that may be written on once (in stages if need be)
compact disc-rewriteable (CD-RW)
optical storage medium that may be written on repeatedly after a delete procedure (in stages if need be)
a short reference guide or text book that provides a brief summary of a particular subject
an often superficial and indiscriminate roundup of musical or literary works
composing stick
a device with adjustable width used by the typesetter for assembling the types of an individual line in the correct sequence
composite manuscript
a number of manuscripts compiled in one volume
computer mouse
standard input device for computers with graphical user interfaces
computer to film
computer-aided film mounting at the pre-press stage
computer to plate
computer-aided direct (without film) exposure of the plate in the platesetter
computer to press
computer-aided direct (without film) exposure of the plate in the printing press
computer typesetting
computer-aided typesetting assisted by appropriate software (desktop publishing)
medieval computation of the calendar and the date of Easter
a primarily alphabetically sorted word and terminology index of a work with page references
seizure or disappropriation of goods or property e.g. by the state
Abstract art based on geometric and technical design principles, mostly with large colour surfaces and basic geometric forms
thoughtful or long consideration e.g. of the aesthetics of an art work
contemporary history
a period from which eye witnesses are still alive, as well as the academic study of this period
content producer
author of media content such as writers or editors
content provider
publisher of media content
Continental System
an economic blockade imposed by Napoleon against Great Britain between 1806 and 1814
continuous text
in typesetting, text running without breaks such as paragraphs or sub-headings, etc.
a community of nuns, or the building used by that community
copper-etching title page
engravings on copper plates decorating the title page of a book
copperplate engraving (chalcography)
a graphic printing process which involves engraving an image in a copper plate using an etching needle
a duplicate that is faithful to the original; a transcript; generally: the result of reproducing an original
copy (book publishing)
text of a book, as written by the author himself, which is then subsequently checked by a copy editor
protection granting the creator of a work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, signified with the symbol ©
copyright law
law relating to the protection of intellectual property governing questions of publication and use, and the transfer of rights on death
copyright levy
standard, legally prescribed surcharge on the price of devices with which copies can be made
copyright of titles
titles of works of literature, publications or audio/visual media are subject to copyright protection which can be applied for in advance of their release
correction mark
a standardised symbol designating errors in a work and indicated in the right margin of the page
a papermaker who, “couches” a new sheet of paper (the process of removing it from a mould) or presses the fresh sheet on felts
an assembly of church delegates
a person who carrying or delivering news or messages
court jester
a professional clown at a royal court who was afforded the right to speak his mind freely
court library
the library of a royal residence
the outer casing enclosing the book body, consisting of a jacket and spine
cover (binding)
originally book covers and bindings, currently primarily media design regarding advertising and promotional effectiveness
cover decoration
adornment of the book cover by embossing, printing or goldwork, etc.
cover indenter
stamp used by bookbinders for the decoration of the cover
cover research
branch of book and library studies dealing with the recording, description and classification of book covers
cover types
these can be differentiated according to production methods (hand-bound, industrial binding), type of material and specific form of construction
critical apparatus
scholarly commentary on a work in the form of footnotes, addenda or a supplementary volume
cross media publishing
on the basis of media-neutral data, both physical and digital media are produced and published in different formats
a science devoted to the deciphering of encrypted information
a science that deals with the encryption of information and issues of information security
a science which deals with issues of encryption (cryptography) and decryption (cryptanalysis)
cult language
a sacred language used exclusively or predominantly in a religious context
that which mankind produces through a creative impulse
cuneiform script
an ancient script form comprising vertical, horizontal and angled wedge-shaped stylus marks in clay
handwriting or running writing in which single letters are often joined; also replicated today in font form
a person entrusted with guarding a building or museum collection
customs duty
a transport tax that is levied on goods as an import, export or transit duty when crossing a border
customs union
a kind of federation of states that constitutes a common economic area
cut plate edition
books with blank pages on which drawings or engravings can be inserted
one of the four base colours of the CMYK colour space, together with magenta, yellow und schwarz (key colour)
cylinder rotary press
printing technique in which a rotary printing press uses roll paper
cylinder seal
cylindrical engraved stones that can be rolled on soft materials thus leaving an impression in the form of a relief
Cyrillic script
Church Slavonic script, the invention of which is sometimes falsely attributed to the Greek missionary Cyril who was an apostle for Slavic peoples
to cipher
a secret form of writing with unconventional characters and/or unorthodox use of standard letters and numbers