• machine breaker

    acting on the model of dissatisfied English workers (see Luddite)
  • machine set

    in the printing industry, a means of typesetting using machines
  • mackle (paper waste)

    printed paper that is damaged or has become worthless
  • magazine

    a print medium that is read mainly because of its entertainment value
  • magenta

    together with the printing inks Cyan, Yellow and Black (Key Colours) one of the four basic colours of the CMYK colour space
  • magic

    the attempt to influence people and events through ritual or communication with supernatural beings
  • magistrate

    collegial administrative head of a city with the appropriate constitution
  • Magna Carta

    agreement concluded in 1215 between the king and rebellious nobility, the most important source of English constitutional law
  • magnetic storage

    in the magneto-optical disk (MOD) data was magnetically written and read out optically, the method is now obsolete
  • majuscule (uppercase)

    typographic term for the capital letters of the alphabet
  • majuscule cursive

    Roman font from the 1st-4th Century designed for everyday use which consists only of uppercase letters
  • male mould

    the stamp of a character cut into steel, used to create the die plate required for type casting
  • mandarin

    designation for dignitaries in East Asia
  • mandorla

    a symbol of holiness in art such as a halo or aura of light surrounding the whole body
  • manipulation

    in technology, the art of handling; in politics, psychology and sociology, a term for targeted and covert influence
  • manner

    in printing, the composition of the printed text by assembling individual pieces of cast metal type
  • manufactory

    large commercial operation using the division of waged labour for the mass production of cloth, silk, porcelain, mirrors, etc.
  • manuscript

    designates a script written by hand; applicable in the case of a manuscript or codex
  • marbled paper

    decorated by a special coloured paper method, which is used mainly for covers and endpapers
  • marbling

    technique of coloured paper production, which is also used for the decoration of book sections
  • margin

    column at the edge of the page to accommodate captions or references
  • marginal illumination

    ornaments at the top or side of the page especially common in old manuscripts
  • marginalia

    note on the edge of a manuscript or book, comments, hints or corrections
  • mass media

    means of communication, which share content through technical reproduction of font, image and sound to an unspecified audience
  • master

    master, chief, also academic degree
  • master (sample volume)

    the term for a pre-made sample volume, which demonstrates the features of an edition
  • master book

    a collection of templates for ornaments, etc., or a book with original patterns of paper and binding materials
  • master scribe

    writing master, able to convey the right way to write ("modus scribendi")
  • medal

    a commemorative or honorary metal disk bearing some form of artistic rendering on the occasion of an event, award etc, that is not legal tender, in contrast to the coin
  • media archaeology

    efforts being made in new digital media to preserve already existing databases as knowledge of humanity
  • media designer

    graduates of professional training in the areas of image and sound, digital and print, flexo and screen printing
  • media ecology

    branch of media studies, which deals with the interaction of media and their environment
  • mediatisation

    the process by which areas were placed under a sovereign at the end of the Holy Roman Empire
  • memory

    capacity or components for temporary storage, buffering and long-term storage of data, information and knowledge
  • mendicant

    itinerant pupils, students and scholastic clerics of the 12th and 13 century
  • mendicant orders

    religious orders (Franciscans, Dominicans) who lived in extensive poverty; originated as a reaction to heretical movements in the 13th century
  • mercantilism

    prevailing European economic model in the Age of Absolutism (16th-18th century)
  • metadata

    data containing data about other data, such as records in bibliographic databases
  • metal furniture

    metal parts mounted on a book cover (fittings in the centre and at the four corners) primarily designed to protect the book when lying flat
  • microform

    footage with small images of printed materials in the form of roll film or microfiche
  • Middle Ages

    In European history the period between antiquity and modern times, about the 6th to the 15th century
  • military postal service

    mail service between the front and home in wartime
  • miniature

    type of book painting, originally derived from the Latin word, minium (a lead-based red dye)
  • miniature book

    very small books of high quality produced for collectors
  • mirrors for princes

    instructive writings in the medieval and early modern periods for monarchs and their offspring with guidance on legal matters and duties
  • missal

    one of the most important liturgical books for Mass in the Catholic Church
  • modus scribendi

    the correct way to write, mediated by the master scribe
  • monarchy

    form of government in which a monarch or a hereditary monarch holds the office of head of state, in contrast to a republic
  • monastery

    a secluded place in which monks or nuns reside and work with a primary focus on the practicing of their religion
  • monasticism

    a form of life existing in various religions in which the adherent faces away from the world to address spiritual goals
  • monogram

    a sign composed of individual letters
  • monograph

    a single, self-contained work that constitutes a definitive statement on its subject
  • monopoly

    market situation in which for a particular economic good only one provider is present
  • monotype

    recorded text entry that was created for the letterpress system and a type moulding machine
  • montage sheet

    finished pressure plate copy sheet with the properly assembled films for printing and binding of pages
  • Moon type

    Relief type, whose characters are geometric figures, developed in 1845 by Dr. William Moon
  • morocco leather

    very fine and soft tanned goat leather which is used for book covers
  • mosaic

    a decorative, pictorial or written presentation formed by assembling different coloured flakes of stone
  • mosaic

    technique for assembling forms, patterns, images and texts of different colours and shapes together
  • motto

    a text setting out a guiding principle, often in the form of a quotation
  • movable type

    individual components cast from a special alloy serve in the printing and reproduction of a text composed from then
  • Mozarab

    name for a Christian who lived in Spain or Portugal under Muslim rule
  • multi-colour printing

    in all modern printing processes common technique for producing coloured print products
  • murder ballad

    a song that is presented publicly by a singer with accompaniment by the barrel organ or other instruments
  • muses

    in Greek mythology the goddesses of the arts, usually nine in number
  • Muses' Almanac

    literary form of publication that emerged around 1770 and usually offering literary notes and reviews in addition to poems
  • museum

    place of learning dedicated to the building and preservation of collections, which are developed and made available to the public
  • music copying

    the production of music notation for the purposes of printing and publishing
  • music engraving

    an integrated process for producing print type for music notation which uses punches, burins and moulds
  • musical manuscript

    works of music that are available as printed material in notation
  • Muslim

    a devotee of Islam
  • mystery religion

    secret cult that is accessible only to the initiated
  • mysticism

    a special and unmediated form of religious life and experience
  • myth

    story of the origin or end, of the gods and the world of creation, etc.
  • mythology

    the systematic study of myths, or the sum of the myths of a people, a region, etc.